Forum Faucet Wave   →   Faucetwave Support   →   Feature Requests   →   Ability to pay forward a 5 or 7 day membership trial for direct referrals

Ability to pay forward a 5 or 7 day membership trial for direct referrals

Started by Scoobyearns Jan 30th, 2024 at 08:26
Posts: 42
Jan 30th, 2024 at 08:26

May be to difficult to implement or not something others find useful!

I wonder if it would be possible to have a feature which would allow me to pay for a 5 or 7 day trial for certain direct referrals similar to the send money to user feature but specifically for purchase of trial membership for example $3 for 7days gold tier etc. giving them a sample of the benefits of upgrading membership.

In return possibly increasing the chance of receiving recurring upgrade commissions each time they extend and greater chance of them building their own downline further increasing my own downline + the faucetwave site would then convert an otherwise standard member to a paying member?

Thank you 


Posts: 97
Received: $0
Balance: $536.632625
Referrals: 88
Jan 31st, 2024 at 10:55

Regarding your first question, no, that is not possible to do at all.

I'm not understanding what you are asking in your second paragraph.  Can you ellaborate more please?


Posts: 42
Jan 31st, 2024 at 16:45

Thought it would be difficult so i understand thanks!. 2nd paragraph was more of a explanation of how i saw value in the possible feature, so no further question. thanks for getting back to me!