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Started by cryptoteambuild Mar 22nd, 2024 at 10:34
Posts: 98
Received: $0
Balance: $544.415125
Referrals: 88
Mar 22nd, 2024 at 10:34

⛔️This notice applies to ALL members from the following countries:


Over the last 3 months, we have been noticing a massive uptick in fraudulent accounts, stacking of bot accounts and click farms that are  trying to scam the system and generate an enormous amount of withdrawals that are NOT legitimate. 

We have conducted a full audit of the platform and have determined that the countries listed above contribute to the fraud. 

If you are from one of the listed countries and you are legitimately using our platform and playing by the rules, we appreciate you. Unfortunately, if we cannot get the fraud under control over the next week, we will have no choice but to block those countries from using the platform. 

We are a legitimate business and treat it like one. This includes taking all measures necessary to ensure the success of it. 

All revenues used to pay commissions to our members come from membership upgrades and paid advertising. 

If funds received are exceeded by withdrawals that were NOT legitimate, we have to take steps to correct it. 

We realize that this will impact the real users from those countries but we cannot and will not proceed down this path of paying out commissions to the ones that choose to defraud us. 

Our goal with this website was to keep it open to everyone from all locations. This has probably been to not be a good decision unfortunately. 

Our Tier1 Ads platform restricted many of those countries since it launched. As a result, it has been very successful and works perfectly. 

We will be emailing out to allembers with this message a few times between now and the end of next week. 

If we do not see a substantial drop in the fraudulent activity by March 29th, we will be restricting the above listed countries.

Every website we build is meant for longevity and stability and profitability. We will do what we need to do to ensure that.

Thank you