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Daily Bonus Keeps Changing

Started by jimmyboyd Nov 06th, 2023 at 09:20
Posts: 7
Received: $20.07692
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Referrals: 13
Nov 06th, 2023 at 09:20

Not only is the daily bonus changing from 50 to 60 points after I start. But I now apparently owe the site $2.92 if I do finish it. It says, "$-2.92."


And there aren't enough ads to earn 60 points. I already clicked all of them.



Posts: 22
Nov 06th, 2023 at 10:46

Yes 60 points is imbosible??

Posts: 3
Nov 06th, 2023 at 14:40

Yes me too.lets see tomorrow what happens 

Posts: 381
Received: $26.30531
Balance: $1.5385
Referrals: 8
Nov 06th, 2023 at 23:28

Kind Admin.
In order to COMPLETE the DAiLY TASK List, Either Give POiNTS For T.E. Surfing 
Or ADD OfferWalls Containing PTC-ADs to Accumulate Additional POiNTS 🤔 

Looking Forward to Favorable Action SOON .. Thanks 🤝 

 Best Regards 👍

Posts: 181
Nov 07th, 2023 at 01:04

You have earned $0.08 for completing the daily tasks.
PTC Ads              26/15 Done!
Points                 83/60 Done!
Ad Grid              12/10 Done!
Traffic Exchang   25/10 Done!

Posts: 21
Received: $31.0234375
Balance: $0.0272
Referrals: 7
Nov 07th, 2023 at 03:55
rikustek wrote:

You have earned $0.08 for completing the daily tasks.
PTC Ads              26/15 Done!
Points                 83/60 Done!
Ad Grid              12/10 Done!
Traffic Exchang   25/10 Done!

How did you manage to earn 83 points? Today I have accumulated only 47 points, and that is not enough for receiving the bonus. 

Posts: 7
Received: $20.07692
Balance: $0
Referrals: 13
Nov 07th, 2023 at 04:29

For the second day in a row, I don't have enough ads. This is not a good policy. Kindly fix it or take away the daily bonus because it is unfair.

And I don't care that some random person got 83 points. Nobody is telling us how he got them. It may be from offers, but offers have frequently failed to pay me and often don't pay on the same day if they do pay. That's not a fair system.

« Last Edit: Nov 07th, 2023 at 04:32 by jimmyboyd »
Posts: 181
Nov 07th, 2023 at 04:55

Maybe cause I am upgraded.

Posts: 3
Nov 07th, 2023 at 10:49


Posts: 96
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Nov 09th, 2023 at 07:07

Our intention for the daily bonus is that it will change regularly to keep it interesting and challenging. It's not meant to be free money that drops out of the sky just for the privilege of you being here.

Meant to be a bonus for completing tasks and sometimes those who are upgraded will benefit more than those who want.

If you can't earn enough points in a day to accumulate what's required for the daily bonus, then you need to consider upgrading your account. Funds used to upgrade accounts or what keeps our platform moving forward. We don't just give money away for free unless we have money coming in.

Also, this is not a place for complaints inventing if you don't understand something. Feel free to open a support ticket and will be glad to answer your questions.

Now in regards to not enough ads on the site, that comes from paid advertisers and admin ads. If you want to see more ads on the site, consider purchasing some advertisement so that they are in the rotation.

If you're not okay with these terms, then our platform is probably not a good fit for you and you should give somewhere else. We are here to help others earn passively and so far that is happening well as you can see from the payouts every day.

Thank you